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MWBE Business Course: Deadline December 11

Benjamin Franklin said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” At a certain point in the life cycle of a business, an investment in a business course, or coach, or combination of both will aid in growing your business. These professional coaches or programs are often pricey—you get what …

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Cash Flow Matters: Preparing Your Business for Growth

Business owners have a natural drive to grow and scale their business. There are lots of obstacles and distractions in the way, but your best chances for successful growth requires you to think about the big picture—while also drilling down into the nitty gritty of your business’s financial health. MWBEs, …

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5 Tips to Generate a Six-Figure Income with Discretionary Spending

As a small business owner or “solopreneur,” a lot of effort is required to balance the books—and a lot of strategy is needed to generate a six-figure income. One such strategy is to work with government agencies with discretionary purchasing authority.   What is a discretionary purchase? A discretionary purchase …

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