Navigating the Challenges: My Journey with Supplier Diversity and Personal Well-Being - JKA Supplier Diversity Consultants Skip to the content

Navigating the Challenges: My Journey with Supplier Diversity and Personal Well-Being

Implementing supplier diversity programs can be a rewarding but often challenging journey. As a supplier diversity professional, I have encountered various obstacles that not only tested my professional resilience but also had a significant impact on my personal well-being. In this article, I will share some of my personal experiences, the difficulties I faced, and the steps I took to prioritize my health while advancing supplier diversity initiatives.


The Struggle in the Face of Resistance:

Implementing supplier diversity programs can sometimes place us in challenging situations where resistance and opposition prevail. These experiences can be emotionally draining and impact our mental health. I found myself in rooms filled with individuals who disagreed with the very essence of supplier diversity, subjecting me to microaggressions and hostility.


Recognizing the Toll on My Health:

The impact of these difficulties on my well-being was profound. I began experiencing extreme fatigue, weight gain, and insomnia. It was only when I sought the guidance of a performance coach that I realized I was also battling a mild form of depression. Acknowledging the toll on my health was the first step towards taking control of my well-being.


Reevaluating Client Relationships:

To protect my mental health, I made a crucial decision to reassess my client relationships. Instead of chasing corporate clients who were not fully committed to supplier diversity, I shifted my focus to align with clients who shared the same dedication. This enabled me to work with organizations that understood the importance of supplier diversity and supported its implementation.


Challenging Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias:

Rather than internalizing uncomfortable situations, I decided to confront them head-on. I chose to educate others about the impact of microaggressions and unconscious bias, calling out the behavior when necessary. Through these conversations, I discovered that many instances of mistreatment were unintentional, providing an opportunity for growth and understanding.


Prioritizing Self-Care:

Recognizing that my well-being was essential to the success of my work, I prioritized self-care. I established routines that supported my physical and mental health, incorporating exercise, proper nutrition, and moments of relaxation into my daily life. By making self-care a non-negotiable aspect of my routine, I regained the energy and resilience needed to navigate the challenges.


Setting Realistic Goals:

Understanding that change takes time, I set realistic goals for myself and my clients. I recognized that progress in supplier diversity requires patience and persistence. By establishing achievable milestones and celebrating incremental successes, I reframed my perspective and maintained a positive outlook.


Creating the Supplier Diversity Resource Group (SDRG):

To address the need for support and collaboration within the supplier diversity community, I founded the Supplier Diversity Resource Group (SDRG). This platform became a space where supplier diversity professionals could come together, share experiences, provide mutual support, and collectively drive change. SDRG has since become a source of empowerment and inspiration for supplier diversity professionals.



Implementing supplier diversity programs can be a challenging journey that tests our resilience and impacts our well-being. It is crucial to recognize the toll it can take and prioritize self-care. By reevaluating relationships, challenging biases, setting realistic goals, and seeking support, we can navigate the difficulties while protecting our health. Remember, we are not alone on this journey. Together, we can create a more inclusive business landscape that celebrates diversity and fosters personal and professional growth.






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