MAINTAINING WELLNESS WHILE TRAVELING FOR BUSINESS - JKA Supplier Diversity Consultants Skip to the content


As I continue sharing the journey of wellness with my clients, I realize more and more how important it is to business success to maintain a high level of wellness. Being well provides the foundation for strong leadership, mindfulness and clarity – all essential skills for running a small business.
In the past business travel would put a wrinkle in my wellness routine, I would often find myself over indulging in unhealthy food and beverages (this was especially true if I was entertaining clients), and exercising sporadically, if at all during the trip. I always felt I need to get as much business done as possible to make the trip worthwhile. On most trips, I would end up completely and totally exhausted.
With hindsight, and years of wellness training and coaching clients under my belt, I can clearly see that my former approach to business travel did not serve me at all. Thinking about things realistically, how could I expect great results if I was under nourished, stressed and exhausted?
Today, I do things differently, I realize that in order to run my business successfully; I need to take care of myself. Here are some of the tools that I have effectively implemented for myself and other WBE clients:
1. Hotel Options: many hotels offer healthy meal options as well as complimentary meals and snacks. I research menus and consider meal options in advance. This is especially important if you are attending a conference or trade show where healthy food options are limited. Eating junk food at conferences is not an option.
2. Pack along snacks: when I know in advance that my choices for healthy food are limited, I’ll have a good breakfast at the hotel and pack along a few non-perusable snacks like apples, carrot sticks, nuts, seeds, celery sticks and whole grains.
3. Consider Options for Working Out: working out during business travel does not necessarily mean going to the gym. Other options may include bringing your favorite workout DVD or finding a safe route for a brisk walk or run. Bottom line is to select an activity that you’ll realistically complete and schedule it into your travel plans.
 4. Research Restaurants: if you are planning a few meals out with clients and friends, it’s a good idea to research menu items in advance so you can make the best choices for yourself. I tend to favor broiled or grilled protein, veggies and salad. I also like to substitute two appetizers for a meal which can help with controlling portion sizes. Last, I avoid the bread basket and I want all sauces and dressings on the side.
5. Drink Water and Avoid Access Alcohol: as much as I enjoy a good glass of wine, I must say that consumption of any alcohol (even one glass) leaves me feeling tired and foggy the next day which is just not an option with limited business travel. I drink lots of water throughout the day as being well hydrated helps me to sustain my energy levels.


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