Happy New Year! - JKA Supplier Diversity Consultants Skip to the content

Happy New Year!

It’s incredible how quickly time flies. Just a few months ago, we were back to work after the Christmas holidays, filled with inspiration and big plans for the New Year. Many of us set personal and professional goals, and now, as we find ourselves on July 1st, it’s a perfect time for some self-reflection.

If you’re like many entrepreneurs, you might feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of starting, stopping, waiting, and starting again. That was my reality for years. I’d kick off the new year full of ambition, only to gradually fall back into old habits. I’d begin the year with a burst of marketing efforts, land a few new clients, work on their projects, bid on new jobs, wait for results, and then start the cycle all over again. This process was exhausting and often unproductive, akin to dog paddling in circles.

However, everything changed for me when I implemented three key strategies:

Procurement Forecast: I started using procurement forecasts to shape my business development strategy and bid pipeline. This approach allowed me to create a predictable stream of government contracting opportunities. By targeting my marketing and outreach activities around potential partnerships and procurement readiness, I significantly increased my win rates on government contracts. I play to win.

Mentorship & Peer Support: There’s immense power in being part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and having mentors. The energy, support, and inspiration I gain from these interactions are invaluable. Even as a facilitator, I learn a lot. Being in these rooms keeps me motivated and informed.

Outsourced Marketing: I love marketing and could do it all day long—I enjoy creating content, but it’s not my zone of genius. Despite my passion, it’s the area where I get stuck, whether it’s figuring out which Pantone color to use or navigating the latest updates to Constant Contact. My marketing is consistent now because I hired a professional to handle the day-to-day tasks.

I share this with you today because one common refrain I hear from my clients is that nothing happens during the summer months. People believe everyone is checked out and on vacation. While that might be true for many corporations, it’s certainly not the case in the government contracting space. July 1st marks the start of the new fiscal year for New York City, and all NYC agencies have published their procurement forecasts, detailing what they are buying and when. For any small, minority, and women-owned business looking to increase contracts with the City of New York, July 1st is like New Year’s Day! It’s time to get to work, get re-energized, and think about how to fill your pipeline.

To support you in this endeavor, check out my website for some fantastic free tools, including an upcoming masterclass on procurement forecasts and other resources to help you get started. Let’s make this second half of the year as productive and successful as possible!

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